Relationship to Self

Living life with ourselves is challenging. You may want to find a more satisfying way of being with yourself, alter your reactions to certain situations, make changes to your work or your relationship.  Facing things in yourself means making contact with all the parts of you and engaging in the process of your own evolution. This can serve your relationships at home, at work and in your community too.

Becoming Who you Want to Be

I support you to find a fuller understanding of who you are on your journey towards knowing yourself better.  The rewards of self knowledge, knowing what you need mentally, emotionally and physically, are not only empowering but also essential in building satisfying relationships. Understanding aspects of your own unique being helps develop compassion for yourself and others.  Following Jung, the Self seeks development and growth in our lives and affirming the Self liberates creative energies.

To speak, be heard and be understood 

As human beings we have a need to speak, be heard and be understood.  Speaking in a safe and private space is a healthy way to process and develop thoughts, feelings and impulses about yourself, your relationships with others and your life situation.   ‘Speech is an extension of ourselves. Speech accomplishes thought’  Merleau-Ponty (1908-1961).   Despite the seeming simplicity of speaking, hearing ourselves trying to make a meaningful and coherent narrative is sometimes the most difficult, but usually the most significant, thing we can do for ourselves.

Are you ready to begin your journey?